Thursday, May 29, 2008

This Pig is in Love!

This pig is in love with Matt...actually it is in love with his food.

The kids celebrate meeting their Missions Goal with an ice cream party. Yum!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pucker Up Matt!

We did it! The kids raised the money to purchase a pig to send to a needy family! They actually raised more than enough! You know what that means! Yes, that's right! Our youth director, Matt Price, will pucker up and kiss the dirtiest, stinkiest pig we can find. (now we just have to find a if you are a pig farmer let us know)
Be there to see the pig fall deeply in love with Matt on Wednesday, May 28, during our youth!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Will he kiss a pig?

Learn more about this project

The challenge is on...If we can raise the money to buy a Heifer Project Pig our Youth Pastor, Matt Price, will KISS A LIVE PIG!!!

The kids have already done a great job buying rabbits for a family in need, now the fund raising continues as we set our goal on a PIG! Come on kids - you can do it! Pucker up Matt!