Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Basket full of Promise and Love

Tonight we rallied our troops for our first week of our Heifer Project. We have challenged the kids to raise money to buy chickens and rabbits and other animals for families in need around the world.

A Basket of Promise and Love...Our money can help to provide struggling families the promise of a secure future.
Rabbits are easy to care for and reproduce quickly, allowing their owners to sell the offspring for extra income once they've fulfilled Heifer's "Passing on the Gift" promise; and chickens lay eggs and provide manure for vegetable gardens. That's why this gift of Hope goes on and on, lasting much longer and helping more families than the usual gift basket filled with pastries or presents ever could.
Our challenge to the kids is to find ways that they can sacrifice, earn or raise money. Not by simply asking mom and dad, but by using their own lives, their own ideas and their own giving.
When we have so much abundance it is hard for us to imagine what other kids our own age go through everyday just to survive. Let us share what God has given us. How will you raise money to share?

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Up all night at the Overnighter!

The kids in RIOT and their friends had an overnighter on April 4th. Here is the night by the numbers

  • 21 kids ages 9-12
  • 4 adults
  • 2 "amped" up teenage chaperons
  • 14 pizzas
  • 48 cans of soda pop
  • 4 teams that went on a treasure hunt
  • 1 sticky game that involved 11 tubes filled with jello!
  • 72 balloons (25 filled with water!)
  • 21 wet behinds (when they sat on the balloons filled with water!)
  • 2 games of dodge ball
  • 2 injured feet (not belonging to the same person)
  • 3 people that had ice packs on some part of their body during the evening
  • 42 paper airplane launches off the sanctuary balcony
  • 2 movies
  • 14 crazy hours
  • 1 kid that actually slept

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Jr High loves Taco Bell!

The Jr High Class were treated "to all the tacos they could eat" this Wednesday!

Since October 18, 2007 when the tornado struck our little town we have been taco-less. The kids waited an entire week since the grand re-opening...but tonight they rejoiced in crunchy, crispy and cheesey delight at the brand new Taco Bell/KFC.
Here is a picture of the old Taco Bell after the tornado wiped it out.

What are you waiting on?

FROM: PETER, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ
TO: US, those who love God and have faith in Jesus our Savior

Reminder, Be Holy, Keep your mind on Jesus, Have faith - even though you cannot see Jesus, believe what He has promised. Someday He will return. No matter what anyone says, the Lord does not break his promises, Jesus will return and evil will be destroyed. You can look forward to this day, but while you are waiting make yourself prepared. Read the bible, try to do what Jesus would have done and spread the Word that Jesus is coming!

"Though you have not seen him, you love him, and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the goal of your faith, the salvation of your souls" 1 peter 1:8-9

SPRING BREAK is next Week!! WOO! HOO! We will be praying for those of you who will be traveling. Remember that Spring Break does not mean you take a break from being a Christian!

LEAVE A COMMENT WITH YOUR ANSWER...What are you doing for Spring Break???